Designated as a Bilingual School Organization (BISO), Dr. Toni Bilbao Preparatory Academy offers students the opportunity to pursue a dual language education in English/Spanish. This successful program is based on the philosophy of the transfer of skills from one language to another.
Every elementary school student spends sixty percent of their day in English language instruction and forty percent of their day in a second language.
BISO schools offer a school-wide dual language program model. This program serves those students who are especially interested in developing their bilingual and bi-literate proficiency in English and one other language. BISO schools follow an instructional schedule where 60% of the day is devoted to instruction in or through English and 40% of the day is devoted to instruction in or through the language other than English. The time for instruction in the several areas of study follows the norms established for all elementary schools with the addition of sixty minutes daily for language arts in the language other than English. Instruction in the curriculum content areas is delivered in or through both languages. Upper academy students at K-8 Centers and middle school students pursue language and literature courses in the language of choice and take an additional course of Humanities instructed in the language-other than-English. The Program offers sections of English/Spanish, English/French, English/Chinese Mandarin, and English/Portuguese.